The Benefits Of Enlightenment

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hey this is Leo for actualised org and in this episode I'm going to talk about the benefits of enlightenment I've released quite a few episodes about enlightenment and I intend to release more in the future a lot more because this is a topic that needs to be talked about in a lot of depth but some people still don't really understand and they ask me questions like well hey Leo why you're talking about lightning so much this stuff seems so abstract and philosophical what practical uses this have for me in my life and so what I want to do because I do talk about this topic a lot is I want to help bring some of you aboard onto the enlightenment bandwagon and to do that I need to discuss the benefits of enlightened what I want to do is I want to give you a whole list of benefits so that your ego can get on board and then I'm also going to talk about how you can use this as a as a master strategy in your life I'll talk about that at the end but let's begin at the beginning which is a little bit of a recap about what enlightenment really is so that we understand what we're talking about here enlightenment simply speaking is the realization of your existential nature what you actually physically or you might say metaphysically what you actually are now most people assume that they know who they actually metaphysically are or physically are you're the physical body or you're the brain or you're the mind or your neuron activity happening in your head that you live here inside the skull that when I point at you and my finger is pointing between your eyes somewhere deep down in the skull there that I'm pointing at you and I'm talking to you and that you is the center of your existence and that you is the one that's sensing and perceiving everything is conscious of everything is aware of things and that this you is also deciding things in your life and it has certain things that likes and dislikes and then I'm talking to it right now right now I'm pointing at you I'm speaking to you you're conscious of my words you understand me it's your life we're talking about so that thing right there which you believe is actually you enlightenment tells us is not you so that's the mistake in your map of reality your map of reality tells you that that thing is you when in fact it's no more you than anything else in your experience this is a very difficult belief it's a belief that you have it's a very difficult belief to unwire and if you ever do successfully unwire it then you experience enlightenment which is a state of union with all of reality because really what you are is you're not a human body sitting there listening to me what you are is you're a field an empty field of pure awareness which is not localized in space and is outside of time this field is omnipresent and it has no physical qualities or dimensions it has no color or sound or feeling in it which is why it's very difficult to become cognizant of it because your mind is the dicta to being cognizant only of physical phenomena and it's completely identified with the body so unwire enlightenment now the process of becoming enlightened is a pretty arduous and involved process I've discussed it in other episodes I have my spiritual enlightenment intro episode and then other episodes that tell you how to get enlightened and other aspects of this journey it's a pretty long journey and take years to accomplish this so given all the work that goes into it what are the benefits what's in it for you so let me talk about some of the benefits very practically these are things you can expect and the reason that most people get on the journey of enlightenment firstly is a massive reduction in your levels of suffering and I mean suffering here on the large scale but also on the micro small scale so we all are sensitive to suffering on a large scale right if something happens to your family or you lose your job you're going to suffer if something happens to your health you're going to suffer if you can't afford to pay your mortgage you're going to suffer so these are large scale catastrophes that create a lot of emotional distress in our lives well the suffering from these things is completely unnecessary you can eliminate all that suffering that's the big scale suffering now the small scale suffering is all the stuff that you're probably not even conscious of yet this is stuff like even right now as you're sitting here listening to me you're probably suffering how so well you're annoyed you're frustrated maybe you don't like a word I used maybe you don't like some bad language that I spoke maybe you don't like how I look maybe you're bored maybe you expected me to say something else maybe you want me to talk faster or you want me to talk slower or whatever but you have a low-level amount of suffering going on and this is happening not just listening to me but after you're done listening to me you're gonna go do your thing you're going to go have lunch you're gonna go take a shower you're gonna go to work whatever you're gonna do even go play with your kids and as you're doing all those things you tell yourself that generally you are enjoying all those things but actually while you might be enjoying them on the surface beneath the surface you're actually suffering through these things have you started to notice this how much suffering is there in your life this micro-level suffering what happens is that this micro-level suffering it all adds up and over the years it toxify is your psyche and this is what makes people become depressed and become neurotic and become suicidal even and have serious relationship problems become abusive become angry become bitter at the world it's all this kind of stuff so all this adds up well with enlightenment you can eliminate all this suffering that normally we would think is impossible to eliminate that normally we would think is just something that comes with life it's likely oh isn't all this suffering just a part of life and the answer is no it's not it's only a part of the delusion of identifying with your body in your mind so one benefit is eliminating all that stuff another benefit is freedom from things like worry fear and anxiety think about how much energy and time you spend in worry or in fear or anxiety about anything in life whether it's your family your relationships or your business or your health or anything else this can be eliminated also another benefit is freedom from the fear of death a lot of people tell me it's funny to me that they don't fear death this is completely absurd in fact everything you're doing in your life is motivated by a fear of death in many cases so in fact you really do fear death and when you start getting a little bit older and closer to death man that fear is going to become very prominent in your mind and there could be a lot of regrets and doubts and worry and anxiety and depression that will come along with it this can be eliminated because as it turns out if you're not the body or the mind and what you are is you're this omnipresent field of awareness then death is a concept that really no longer makes any sense it literally is just a story or a belief in your mind as hard as it is to believe that that's what it is death is just a belief death only makes sense when you identify with your body so this can be avoided you can get freedom from this fear this is a pretty amazing thing also you can get as another benefit a permanent end to overthinking think about how much time you spend over analyzing and overthinking every situation it really robs you of your ability to be present and just to enjoy whatever enjoyable thing is happening your overactive mind your monkey mind is driving you crazy and it's robbing you of a lot of your energy so you can put a permanent end to overthinking you can still think when you need to but when you don't need to which is most of the time what will happen after enlightenment is that you'll just sit and be able to enjoy without thinking any thoughts at all in complete mental silence how cool is that another benefit you can get is immunity to heavy emotions so think about some of the heaviest emotions you've experienced in your life like deep anguish or deep anger or deep sense of depression or a deep sense of loneliness these kinds of really heavy emotions which usually you're completely a slave to and which make you do all sorts of stupid things in your life you can become immune to these not in the sense that you'll never feel any sadness or anger or frustration after enlightenment you can still feel those things but they will no longer affect you in the same way that they do today another benefit is the end of addictive behaviors and compulsive behaviors so think about all the stuff you're addicted to both your heart addictions and your soft emotional addictions those can all be elated all your compulsive behaviors that you don't know how to stop all the self sabotaging behaviors and so on all the compulsive behaviors and relationships with the people all of these can be eliminated within light another benefit is you can stop worrying you can put an end to worrying about what people think of you so think about how much time you spend obsessing over your self-image you look good are you nice enough are you friendly enough are you polite enough all of that that can be eliminated once and for all you can also put a permanent end to your striving in life so all the striving which you probably tell yourself is healthy and good actually which is neurotic you can put an end to this so I'm talking about stuff like worrying about do I have enough love in my life how do I get more love or I don't have enough money in my life how do I get more money or I don't have enough power in my life how do I get more power or more status and so you spend a lot of your time obsessing about how to acquire these things or how to acquire a better self-image how to look better how to groom your appearance or worrying about your gender role am i masculine enough of my alpha enough as a guy or am i feminine enough as a girl all of these things that you worry about day and night that keep you awake at night these you can put an end to permanently you can also eliminate loneliness and neediness loneliness interesting because loan is a complete hoax complete illusion of your mind this idea of loneliness and feeling lonely and a lot of people are so afraid of being lonely of being left by themselves of being ditched by their partner or their spouse and then they have this neediness this neatness for approval for love for whatever it is that you feel like you need in your life for compliments or for for status or for respect from certain people around you or from your family all of this can be completely eliminated you can be completely free of any of these kinds of attachments and in fact to such a degree that these things will look like a like a joke to you loneliness will look like a joke neediness will look like a joke because these things only have power over the ego which is the thing that you will eliminate with enlightenment you can also eliminate neuroses so neuroses are all those dysfunctional psychic patterns that you have like depression anxiety negative thoughts compulsive thoughts all this kind of stuff I have a whole episode that talks about a list of over 40 different neuroses that are very common for people you can eliminate every single one of those you can also eliminate much stress from your life think about how much time you spend stressing over your family situation your relationship over your business and your career over money and over health and also over your appearance that's stress over time builds up and it eats away at you and then as you get into your 30s and your 40s and your 50s and your 60s as you're getting older that stress just wears your psyche down and even wears your body down to the point where you can actually shave decades off your life from over stress that can be eliminated imagine doing all the things that you love to do or that you presently do but you do them with stress you can do them now with no stress at all after enlightenment another benefit is a less need for sleep and much more physical energy what most people don't recognize is how much energy our thought processes consume and all these neurotic patterns that we have most of them are going on inside our mind we're thinking about it we're thinking about our depression we're thinking about our anxiety we're thinking about our lack of money or thinking about our poor self-image or we're worrying about whether we're masculine or not masculine enough and this robs us of energy because the body is actually burning calories doing this kind of stuff is stressing you out and this stress is not just mental but then it also connects physic Klee to your body this is the the mind-body link don't think that your mind is isolated from your body it's a connected complicated system so when you remove the stress a lot of free energy gets released which you can use for productive work or you can just use to enjoy your day or you can use to have more hours in the day because you're not going to need to sleep as much the reason you're sleeping nine eight hours a day and you're still not waking up restful is because you spend most of your time in bed and outside of bed stressed and worried and that can be eliminated to the point where an enlightened person might only need five hours of sleep six hours of sleep four hours of sleep because they just don't waste that much energy on all the different inefficient uses that the average person does the other thing I really love about enlightenment is that it's really the foundation for real self-actualization work you haven't even begun to tap into self-actualization until you've started to question yourself existentially who and what you are until you discover who and what you are your ability to do personal development is very very limited most of your efforts at personal development are very surface level and shallow most of the things you hear for me you're not able to implement you're not really able to to really realize the power of it and you're not even able to hear some of the more advanced techniques and concepts that I share with you or that you read in books or you hear from other people who are very advanced teachers you can't even begin to comprehend that stuff until you've had a couple of enlightenment experiences so for me one of the things that really gets me excited is that enlightenment is not the end of self-actualization it's really the beginning enlightenment is whole path it's a whole journey and it's something that really you get on and you stay on for the rest of your life it's not just a one-time event that happens then everything is perfect and everything is fine it's not that simple and I'll actually shoot some episodes soon about the different stages of spiritual awakening because there are stages on this journey and I'll talk about that and I'll talk about how it connects with self-actualization work but the the nutshell of it is here that this is just the beginning this totally opens you up to transform your life in whatever ways you want to change your personality in whatever ways you want to do whatever you want to do with your career or your relationships it it frees you up in all these areas or before you were completely closed down because your identity fundamentally was limiting what you thought was possible in life your biggest limit is your identity who you think you are determines what you will and won't do in your life and enlightenment fundamentally is the dissolving of that identity another benefit is that you're going to have a way to deal with chronic pain now if you're young you probably don't have much chronic pain so this is a non-issue for you but as you start to get older into your 30s and 40s and 50s and 60s chronic pain will start to become a real nuisance and it can really SAP a lot of the joy from your life with enlightenment you have a tool which you can use to deal with chronic pain and to eliminate a lot of the chronic pain in your life or the suffering it causes also it gives you a way to deal with disasters this is something people don't really think about very much until they experience a few serious catastrophes in their life but you know think of a spouse or a loved one dying or something disastrous happening in your family to your children maybe think about something disasters happening to your health like cancer think about something disasters happening to your business like maybe your business goes bankrupt or the economy uh tanks and so does your job maybe you get fired so all these kinds of like major life disasters most of these disasters usually what they do is they they send us into a nosedive of depression and anxiety and stress and it's a real it's a really bad thing with enlightenment you can learn how to coast through these depression uh through these disasters a very a very effortlessly and basically come out unaffected by them and also deal with them in a much more resourceful way so this is a huge huge huge thing because if you think you're just going to coast through life from now until you're dead with no catastrophes or disasters man you're kidding yourself you're going to have at least a couple probably half a dozen if not more in the coming decades and wouldn't it be great to have a tool that you can use to deal with those another benefit is that enlightenment puts you in touch with your body a lot of us these days are very out of touch with our body because we live in our heads or very logical left brain thinkers that's how we're taught in school and in college and then what this is this puts us out of touch with our body we can't use our body naturally anymore our body is tense it's stressed out it's not being taken care of it develops all sorts of ailments and you're just not able to experience the kind of joy that you had in your body when you were a kid anymore the life the physical vitality from your body is lost and enlightenment can put you back in touch with that another benefit is that you're going to have a longer life and better health and this is something that I think they've done quite a lot of studies on nowadays with meditation studies is that by studying advanced meditators you can see that these people have a longer life expectancy and they have generally better health and of course the reason that is because their mental environment is so much more healthier than the average neurotic environment the average person has that of course this through the mind-body link of course this will impact the the longevity of your body it definitely will and if you look at very enlightened people you look at Zen masters some of these people live to be a hundred years old this is not an accident it's because what you do with your mind does affect the energy that goes through your body and the health of your body another benefit of enlightenment is that enables deep self-acceptance and deep self-love in levels that would not be possible unless you unwired your ego so I recently released an episode called the power of self-acceptance it was a guided visualization that helped you get in touch with yourself to love and accept yourself and a lot of people who did that exercise were really moved by they said that that was one of the best episodes that they've watched for me and the reason that is is because self-acceptance and self-love is such an important thing and most people really really struggle with it they beat themselves up all the time they feel guilty they feel ashamed they just can't accept themselves as they are or whatever happened in their past well with enlightenment this becomes a non-issue you can have unconditional complete self-acceptance and self-love if you did that exercise in that other episode think of how powerful it would be if you lived your whole life from that state that's possible another benefit of enlightenment is that enables true love true unconditional love this is a very deep topic this love top because deep I'll talk more about it in future episodes but in a nutshell what you think of is love right now what you call love is not love at all you're incapable of true love so long as you believe that you're a separate individual entity living in your body so if you can rid yourself that illusion what happens that you can have actually unconditional love for all of reality not a needy love not necessarily a romantic love but a almost like a divine religious love kind of love that religious people talk about mystics sages talk about then the reason they talk about is because that comes from enlightenment that's what enlightenment gives you it gives you this ability to have this extraordinary love for everything every being every person you're including yourself including people you've otherwise would hate and the environment and any situation that's happening to you in the present moment you love all of it because the reality is the only reason you don't love that stuff right now is because your ego is is crimping the flow of that love and once that restriction is released then love just pours out of you in a non needy in a very powerful way that's even hard to describe to you also the benefit of enlightenment is that it enables powerful and authentic relationships you think that what you have right now is you have relationships with people no you don't you don't even have a clue what a real authentic relationship is when you can authentically relate to another human being and I don't just mean romantically and sexually although that is included of course as well but platonically as well friendships family relationships children the way you relate to your children the weight you relate to your customers or your boss all of these different human relationships that we have that our lives are composed of man if if you want to take your relationships to a whole new level of depth and of beauty and of health of healthy functioning because most the relationship you have are completely dysfunctional in neurotic if you want to make all those relationships healthy they have to be authentic relationships and to learn how to authentically relate to another human being you have to first realize who you are essentially then you have to realize what the other person is existentially then you can have an authentic relationship a relationship that's not based on neediness or manipulation or self agenda or petty personal concerns or ego or neuroses right without any of those you can have a real direct authentic relationship and most people haven't even experienced one of these and they never will in their whole life because their ego is preventing that from being possible another benefit is that you become immune to existential crises midlife crises are popular nowadays people are having them in their 20s and their 30s and their 40s and their 50s chances are you'll probably have multiple midlife crises in your life and you'll get to this point where you start to wonder you know what is the point of life and what does it all mean and is so pointless and you'll you'll get to this state right this is an existential crisis and these can be quite quite depressing so you can get immunity to all this because this exercise will crisis the only reason it's happening is because the ego is sensing its own falsehood its own fakeness but once you dissolve the ego and you see through the thickness of the ego then no longer are you susceptible to these kinds of bouts of self-doubt another benefit is that you will get the deepest possible understanding of reality or existence or truth that a human being can get so me personally my whole life have really been driven by the search for truth and I've tried to search in books and in college and I've you know I've I've gone through lots and lots of different theories and philosophies and Sciences and and everything under the Sun that you can read and you can study all the knowledge that there is to find truth but the reality is the truth is not accessible through knowledge or through logic so if you really are a lover of truth the way that I am then you're going to be really excited by the potential of enlightenment of revealing the truth to you in a way that's so much more powerful than reading some theorem in a book or doing some armchair philosophy about what the meaning of life is you want to know what the meaning of life is you want to discover what existence is these things are accessible to you but only through enlightenment only through direct awareness of them not through intellectualizing and not through rationalism so that's a doorway that opens up for you another benefit is death without regrets so one thing that I'm very conscious of and you know maybe most people don't think this far but I do is that I really want to die in my life with no regrets and I can already see that I'm regretting decisions that I made in ways that I've wasted time in my life as you get older are going to have more and more these regrets come up even long before you die I'm only 30 I'm already experiencing this so you're going to experience in your 30s and your 40s in your 50s and 60s all the way up to your deathbed how do you die with no regrets enlightenment when you're going to be on your deathbed I guarantee you what's going to happen is this is it you're no wish you spent more time being connected to reality itself for a lot of people the way this gets a translated is just through being out of nature more just sitting and being rather than running around like a squirrel on crack doing stuff that you don't even know why you're doing it you're doing it for some reason for somebody else because of some peer pressure or whatever you're not really authentically living up to your own values and if you were then what you would realize that you would just be more instead of doing more and enlightenment exactly gets you that which is why with enlightenment you can die with no regrets because you can spend a lot of time being so much time being that you'll be satisfied with how much you've been being versus what most people do is they spend their whole life doing and then on their deathbed they realize oh my god doing was a huge mistake I should have been being more another huge benefit of enlightenment is that it gets you a much better healthier attitude towards the world society and humanity the average person's relationship to the world to society humanity is very dysfunctional and it's uh it's not healthy and in fact makes the world a worse place and in fact right now in the 21st century we're facing kind of a crisis politically and socially environmentally a lot of damage is being done by unconscious egotistical individuals who are creating unconscious egotistical companies and government organizations which are ruining the world so you can turn that around by changing your own ego another benefit is you're going to be much more honest and ethical in your dealings with people and of course this helps to improve the world which i think is a really important benefit of enlightenment is that it greatly improves the world you want a way to really change the world for the better get enlightened that's the best give you gift you can give to the world is your own personal enlightenment if every person did just that the world would be just fine we would have a lot less problems most of the problems in the world stem from egos that have run amok and are unconscious and don't know what they're doing and so they're ruining their own lives and at the same time they're ruining the lives of thousands or millions of people around them and the way we stop that is not through new laws or a new president or a new Congress but by you taking control of your own ego in fact this is important because the world were at this kind of point in human history where we really could face a species wide annihilation the way the technology is developing technology developing much faster than our egos are able to keep up with and our emotional and psychological development is so much behind our technological development of species that it might lead to uh to a complete catastrophe in the future and if we want to prevent that then there is no better way no more direct way than through enlightenment another benefit of enlightenment is that life can become satisfying for you again think of how life was for you when you were a child it felt a lot more alive didn't it you were a lot more present everything was much more effortless it was easy it didn't have the kind of grind to it that it has nowadays everything wasn't so difficult you'd have to think about everything it just flowed life was a flow and you were like a leaf flowing in the river of life and everything was great even when things weren't that good they were still great even if your family wasn't rich life was still great and even if you had some health problem life was still pretty good how cool would it be to get back to that place permanently and to live your whole life from that place that place of being in the zone all the time that's ultimately what you get with enlightenment is the ability to be so present that you're always in the zone no matter what and nothing can unroot that presence this is what leads to unconditional happiness and unconditional peace of mind and this is the only way that you can get it you cannot get this through any material acquisition or any other form of personal development it will not work it will not work so long as there is a sense of separate ego inside of you so those are some of the benefits quite a long list now you might say well leo these are awesome benefits in fact they seem too good to be true what's the catch there's no way that this is true because I don't know any people who have achieved any of this so it sounds like a utopian fantasy here's the reality is that there actually are people who have achieved all of this and I'm not just talking about people in the past like Jesus or Buddha I'm talking about people right now I've met dozens of people who have realized all this enlightened people people are very very enlightened people who spend a lot of time enlightening themselves so what's the catch well there is a cost and these people they were wise enough to accept this cost now the question is will you be wise enough to accept this cost what's the cost in a sense you could say it's the greatest cost that there is the cost is you and your entire way of life so if you want all of these benefits of enlightenment and most these benefits you can only get through enlightenment and through new no other means can you get them what you have to do is you have to give up your identity your ego your self so this thing right now that I'm speaking to that thinks that it's listening to me that thinks that it's alive this thing this human being right there you have to give that up I'm not talking about giving up some part of you some piece of you I'm talking about giving up all of you so not just the bad parts of you not just the parts of you that are unethical and despicable and kind of prideful and arrogant not just those parts I'm talking about every part of you even the parts you like about yourself especially the parts you like about yourself especially all your precious beliefs about life all the things you think you hold as true all your favorite lifestyle choices all the things you love your love for your family and your career and your business and your love for money and your love for success all of this you have to give up and you have to give up most fundamentally this metaphysical idea that you have that you are a physical human body and that you live and are localized as a consciousness inside your skull you have to give that up that's the cost it's a pretty big cost for most people what enlightenment will reveal to you is the following it will grant you all these benefits but at the same time it will destroy your identity it will reveal that life is meaningless that everything you think you know about how the world works is false that there is no such thing as good or bad that good and evil are fictions that every judgement you have about people and situations and yourself is a fiction it's a lie that there is no value in anything that there is no one who benefits from self-improvement work and in fact there isn't a self or an ego that's going to be improved by all this work you're doing on improving yourself that this is a fiction this is like you chasing your tail and alignment will reveal to you that you don't have control over life in any capacity whatsoever zero control because there is no you to have control over anything it's an absolute surrender a complete surrender to life so those are the costs in a sense it's dangerous to be talking about the benefits of enlightenment because there really are no benefits you see when I talk about the benefits of enlightened people asked me like well leo you talk about alignment why should I care about enlightenment what's good what's in it for me what's in it for me that's to get the whole thing confused see to ask what's in it for me is the problem and when I talk about enlightenment and its benefits and since I'm feeding your ego because I'm deceiving you into believing that firstly there are benefits that exist in the real world which of course there are not and that there is value in the real world and of course there isn't these things don't exist these are fictions of your mind and then even worse secondly is I'm deceiving you into thinking that there is a you who will be benefited by any of this stuff there isn't you will not be benefited by enlightenment but you will be benefited by enlightenment can you understand that can you read between the lines of what's being pointed out here the reason I talk about benefits is because on a practical level it is useful to talk about these benefits because the fact is that you've got this ego and this ego is running your life it's running amok in your life and we need some way to get leverage on this ego and the only way to do that is to talk its language and the ego only understands egoic language and egoic language is all about me me me me me what can I get what's in it for me that's all the ego cares about and understands so to trick the ego into killing itself we need to tell it what's in it for it now the ego is going to be kind of stupid it's not really going to understand the full scope of what I'm talking about it's going to think like Oh just kind of kidding Leo just kind of kidding I'm gonna kill myself I'm not really gonna kill myself Leo is just kidding and so the ego will get on board and it'll like all these benefits and then you know spend a couple of years chasing after these benefits until it finally realizes that oh he wasn't kidding but then it'll be too late because the ego is already going to be past the point of no return so that's kind of practically how it works by the way killing the ego you're not actually killing the ego because the ego doesn't exist it's a fiction so when we talk about killing the uses and metaphors is not literally just so you know these benefits that I told you you could think of them as pseudo benefits they're not full-fledged benefits because full-fledged benefits implies there's an ego who will be benefited so hold it more like a pseudo benefit your life will be extraordinary post enlightenment but it won't be your life anymore in a sense but it won't be a problem anymore because there won't be an ego who will care about this issue of whether it's your life or it's not your life you see this goes real deep this goes as deep as things go now the paradox of all this is that even though there are these kind of bleak seeming almost negative nihilistic seeming elements to enlightenment like life is meaningless and there's no value and there's known to be benefited and you might say well Leo will then screw this you know I'll just go and do my ordinary thing but see nevertheless enlightenment is still the greatest thing that there is it's the greatest thing you can shoot for in life because your life only really begins after you give up yourself life begins after enlightenment what you're living right now is not life you're living in a hollow dream a facsimile of life a poor facsimile of life and you don't even comprehend yet what true life entails you can't even pretend the beauty of it the majesty of it the the mystery of it the joy and the power of it you can't know these things until you've had a few enlightenment experiences you can't even imagine it yet so that's the paradox I've met dozens of enlightened people in my life very very light people not a single one of them has told me that they regret becoming enlightened what it's like is imagine that right now the life that you have whether you think it's great or you think it's not so great or you think it's terrible imagine that this life you have right now that actually what it is is it's it's a hell you're living in hell and that by waking up from this you can wake up into heaven and that what enlightenment is like is this like waking up from hell you will never ever want to go back after you've woken up the problem is is that the ego is so used to living in hell and it's made Hell its home that it thinks that there's nothing beyond it and so it never wants to water outside of Hell to look for anything better and that's the tragedy of this whole thing is that there's something so much better right outside the gates of hell but the gates of hell are guarded by the Guardian which is your ego and all this me me me me me what's in it for me talk that is the Guardian you see the real problem here is that you're too stupid to understand any of this and I mean this very seriously you are too stupid to understand this because there are either is wisdom in you or there's not and if there's wisdom in you then you see what I'm talking about something in you the wisdom function in you into it's that what I'm saying is right and it will go and take action towards it but see you're not doing that what you're doing is you're listening to me and maybe you're liking it if you're not liking it doesn't matter but the fact is you're you're stupid because you're not taking any action on this even if you like what I'm saying and you're on board and you're nodding your head and you're saying yeah tomorrow I'm going to go and meditate and I'm going to go read some books and all this now see this is um this is still stupidity because the fact is that you're not actually sitting down to discover your existential nature you're jerking yourself around and ultimately what's going to happen is that you're going to forget about all this and you're going to fall back into your old routines and nothing's going to happen and the reason I know about this because if this is a struggle that I fought now for for years and I'm still in the midst of of this struggle it's a really serious struggle and it's simply fueled by stupidity is what it is it's very poor life strategy about strategic thinking skills recently in one of my episodes the very foundational episode and that's very important here because if you're wise if you're not stupid then what you are realizing right here right now is that I just gave you the ultimate strategic intent enlightenment is the ultimate strategic intent this is what your whole life strategy should be about your entire life should be this not just a hobby interest a little activity not just twenty minutes of meditation your entire life should be this if you're a smart strategist are you though most people aren't most people are stupid strategist a stupid strategist thinks that he can just get more by doing more it's like more success will get me somewhere that works fine until you really start to study the psyche and you start to realize that all your success counts for nothing in the quality of your life department the quality of your life does not improve with success that's the lie of materialism is to believe that it will but this is so counterintuitive and so threatening because I'm asking you to give up your entire way of life and your entire way of doing and to substitute it with a new way of being which is so foreign and alien to you that the wisdom function is not able to get any traction in your mind so the stupidity function is all that's that's really getting traction so what will happen is that this these will all just be words just empty words and beliefs and ideas and some you know you get a little bit of motivation for I'm telling you here but you're not really gonna do this are you cuz you're not wise enough see you just don't have enough wisdom if you had a little bit more wisdom you could start to do it but you just don't have enough wisdom like the stupidity is so strong in you that it completely overshadows any ounce of wisdom that you have right now as you're listening to me that's the reality of it the reality is pretty bleak and this is why the state of the world is as it is and we're in sort of a bleak place in life Society is headed God knows where technology is headed God knows where the human psyche is headed God knows where and you're on that journey to hell along with everybody else because that's the default state of what will happen if you want something else then you need to kick into high gear your wisdom function and overpower your stupidity function and to become really really strategic about what you want out of your life all right that's it I'm Leo I'm signing off please click the like button for me share this episode with friend post your comments down below and lastly come check out my website right here actualize org I release new videos every single week on self actualization topics self actualization is how do you take your life to the highest potential that you can take it the thing that really fuels me is discovering what creates human happiness and how I can create that in my own life how do I create the ultimate life that's the most satisfying life possible what do I need to learn as far as concepts techniques strategies and tactics and advice in order to do that for myself and then my passions to share that with you to help you to tap into that as well so if you are on board with this vision then you want to learn more stay up to date every week sign up to my newsletter is free you get new updates every week that will keep you on track it's so easy to fall off track even if you think you're wise right now and you think right now that you know yes your motivate your gonna take some action well what's going to happen a month from now two months from now twelve months from now you're going to forget about all this stuff I really am driven to help you to get practical tangible results I'm not up here just philosophizing and just preaching to you I'm talking about practical results and every new episode I release will show you in more and more detail how to make these results happen in your life but what I need from you is I need from you a commitment to actually care about generating these results for yourself because if you don't have that commitment then nothing else can work and no technique can help you a good way to take your first baby step on that commitment is just to go sign up to the newsletter because every week you'll be staying on track and then also check out my life purpose course check out my book list check out the free forum by recently open two four I'm on actualize that order you can come and meet people there who are interested in self-actualization which is a pretty rare thing to find those kinds of people and you could interact with them and share resources and share ideas and ask questions alright so go check all that stuff out and I'll see you soon with more you